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Borrowed Chords A Gateway To Limitless Harmonic Possibilities



Borrowed Chords: A Gateway to Limitless Harmonic Possibilities

Understanding the Concept

In music, borrowed chords refer to chords that are borrowed from outside a piece's primary key. They are a powerful tool that can add depth, variety, and unexpectedness to chord progressions.

Borrowing from Related Scales and Keys

When borrowing chords, it's essential to choose chords from related scales or keys. This ensures that the borrowed chords maintain a sense of familiarity within the overall harmonic context.

Transient vs. Tonic

It's important to note that borrowed chords are not considered "tonic" chords. Tonic chords are the chords that define the key of a piece of music. Borrowed chords are transient and do not change the overall key.

Modal Interchange

Modal interchange is a technique where chords from different modes of the same scale are borrowed. This can create a sense of familiarity while adding variety to the chord progression.

Benefits of Borrowed Chords

Borrowed chords offer numerous benefits for songwriters and musicians alike. They can:

  • Expand harmonic options
  • Add interest and surprise to chord progressions
  • Provide inspiration for new songwriting ideas


By understanding how to borrow substitute chords from related scales and keys, musicians can unlock near limitless options for crafting unique and compelling chord progressions. Borrowed chords are a powerful tool that can transform ordinary chord progressions into extraordinary musical experiences.
