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Borrowed Chords

Borrowed Chords: A Powerful Tool for Songwriting

Discover the Secrets of Chord Substitution

Unlock the boundless possibilities of chord progressions with the technique of borrowed chords. Also known as mode mixture, borrowed chords involve incorporating chords from parallel keys or scales into your compositions. This unconventional approach infuses your music with unexpected twists and turns, enriching its harmonic palette.

Borrowing from Different Modes

The parallel mode of a major scale offers a rich source of borrowed chords. The five modes derived from the major scale—Aeolian, Mixolydian, Lydian, Phrygian, and Dorian—can provide a vast array of chord options. By incorporating these chords into your progressions, you can create melodies and harmonies that transcend the confines of a single key.

Crafting Unique Chord Progressions

Borrowed chords break free from the traditional constraints of scale-based harmonies. They introduce unexpected chord changes that can evoke a sense of surprise, intrigue, and emotional depth in your compositions. By experimenting with different borrowed chords, you can unlock near-limitless options for crafting unique and captivating chord progressions.


Embracing the concept of borrowed chords empowers you to expand your musical horizons and create songs that leave a lasting impression. Whether navigating the complexities of music theory or simply seeking fresh songwriting ideas, the technique of borrowed chords offers a transformative tool for elevating your compositions to new heights.
